Create rather than spectate

 The law of attraction brings us always what we focus on, so rather than being at the mercy of old belief systems and programming remember that as Spiritual beings we are all Creators. You can either create wonderful things or chaos. Whatever you focus on becomes your reality, so focus on positive and empowering things and create an amazing reality for yourself. 

I know it is hard to change how we think but if we don't how can we expect anything different to come into our lives. It is challenging to question what has been burned into our minds about who and what we are but the true power of the mind is that it can be changed with practice and dedication to wanting to have  better outcomes. Life will always bring us challenges but with a creator mind we can get through them with strength and resilience. Most of what we believe about ourselves comes from what we have been told by other people and what we have told ourselves about who we are based on past experiences.

Don't accept the same old same old of the monkey mind, become the Creator you were always meant to be and stop being a spectator in this game called life.


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